Little Flower Mercy Home

Men's Home

In the annals of 1986, a pivotal chapter unfolded in the history of Mercy Home with the establishment of a men's residence. The genesis of this endeavour occurred when compassionate locals brought an old, ailing man to the doors of a simple mud house. Originating in a modest mud building, this haven for men has evolved into a sanctuary that currently shelters approximately 150 individuals. From its humble beginnings, the men's home at Mercy Home has grown to become a place of refuge, offering not only shelter but also a supportive environment for those in need. The transformation from a simple mud structure to a thriving residence reflects the unwavering commitment of Mercy Home to provide care, compassion, and a sense of belonging to those seeking refuge within its walls. Most of them are physically and mentally disabled. Many of them were found heavily neglected and begging in the street. As the number of patients seeking refuge at our facility continues to grow, the strain on our dormitory space has become increasingly challenging. The overcrowded conditions have created an atmosphere of congestion, causing discomfort for both those inside and outside the home as they witness the unfortunate plight of their fellow inhabitants. The overwhelming demand for accommodations has led to a pressing need for expansion and improved facilities. Despite the constraints, a silver lining emerges in the form of the residents' willingness to engage in occupational therapy activities. Many inmates express a keen interest in participating in tasks such as gardening, agricultural work, laundry, and cooking. This shared commitment to meaningful engagement not only provides a sense of purpose but also fosters a collaborative spirit among the community, offering a ray of hope amidst the challenging circumstances.

It’s pleasant to be at home!

The aim of Mercy Home is to give free shelter and service to the needy, to lead the abandoned back into the community and to restore the dignity and independence of the poorest of the poor.

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     130 mentally disabled men sharing 60 beds

     Some sleep on the floor

     No bathroom, men bathe outside with water from the well

     Only 10 toilets

     No dining area, all meals are eaten outside

     Daily life conducted outside as there is no common area

     All mattresses are over 24 years old +


We would really appreciate any help you can give us to make the following possible:

     Update and renovate facilities in the Mens’ Home

     Create a new sleeping area with new mattresses

     Build bathrooms and update toilets

     Create separate dining area

     Install solar energy and rain water storage system

     Create on-site Hospital Facility

Making a donation to any of the above projects would help us enormously. The upgraded facilities would enhance the quality of the men’s lives and help their mental stability even more.


The above project is estimated to cost 1,600,000 INR. 

Any help you can give to make this project a reality will help. If 300 individuals/groups/companies donated approximately 5000 rupees / 62€/ 53GBP we would be able to start work on this project in 2020.

Please help us to help others in need. We depend on donations to help the destitute.

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